First, a little bit about essential oils in general.
Essential oils are not a fad. They are backed by thousands of years of history. They have been used in Biblical medicine, Egyptian, Chinese and Greek medicine and they are still used throughout the world today. Essential oils are derived from plants.
We can use essential oils in extensive ways in our lives, they wear many hats. They can be used as medicines, cleansing agents, in our personal care products, our diets and countless other uses. They can be used to reduce toxicity, balance hormones, improve digestion, boost energy, improve brain function, reduce emotional stress, produce radiant skin, boost immunity and fight infections, alleviate aches and pains and a whole lot more. Now specifically Lavender, Ancient texts tell us that Lavender has been used for medicinal and religious purposes for over 2500 years. The Egyptians used it for mummification and as perfume. The Romans used it for cooking and scenting the air. They also added Lavender to their bath water, which is where we get the name from the Latin word lavare , meaning “to wash”. Many researchers claim that 2000 years ago Lavender was referred to as Spikenard or Nard, from the Greek name for Lavender.
Today it is the most commonly used essential oil in the world. It is often considered a “must have” oil to keep on hand at all times due to its versatile uses, including relaxing properties that promote peaceful sleep and ease feelings of tension. We at “The Lavender Life” cultivate many different varieties of English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) and Hybrid Lavender ,which is a cross between English and Portuguese varieties, called (Lavandula x intermedia) which grows well in our climate zone. Our Lavender flowers are steam distilled for their essential oil and the aroma is floral, sweet and calming. At this point on both of our Western New York Farms we have over 1000 plants. In our farm’s Distillery we have produced all natural, organic products for aromatherapy, skin and home care products made exclusively on our Farms.